Wisdom from the Streets

It was a wet and rainy night today on the streets of Whalley. My friends Courtnee, Trevor and Luke spent the evening with me, helping at Nightshift (http://www.nightshiftministries.org/). After we served a hot meal and handed out warm clothing to the homeless, we gathered around to pray in a circle and share some thoughts from…

It’s all about Impact

Education. Transformation. Impact. It’s the focus behind the Freedom Week project… and also the three mission statement words of Trinity Western University. Education is the most powerful tool that we can use in the fight to end modern-day slavery. Most people are unaware that slavery is still a thriving form of oppression and exploitation today. We…

Thoughts on Christmas Morning

My thoughts on Christmas Morning, Two Thousand and Ten: Luke 2:8And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.9And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.10And the angel…

Dreaming… of an end to violence and exploitation

I came across a new blog today. It is written by a woman named Beth who is documenting her “ponderings as a new pastor in the Downtown Eastside, Vancouver, BC, a neighborhood full of honest, struggling, beautiful people” . I love hearing about other people’s journeys in search of justice and understanding of the human heart….

“On the Move”- a speech

In Honour of December 1st being WORLD AIDS DAY. I wanted to share this speech made by the Irish Rockstar and lead sing of U2, Bono, as the Keynote address at the 54th National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, DC on February 2, 2006. Regardless of how you feel about religion or even Bono himself- there…