
Today thousand of people are drawing red X’s on their hands to shine a light on slavery. While awareness is very important, it is ACTION that will change the world. Truly take a stand against slavery by TAKING ACTION to protect victims. #enditmovement #endslavery #endhumantrafficking Sign the petition: http://www.joysmith.ca/assets/petition%20swedish%20model%20of%20prositution%20-%20eng%20-%20final%20-%20large%20font.pdf Raise your voice: http://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/cons/curr-cours/proscons-conspros/ Write a…

The Wedding Video: Chris and Tara

Hello Lovelies! In honour of Valentine’s Weekend (we’re still celebrating), here is the highlight video from our (first) Wedding in Tunkwa Lake, BC, Canada! Big thanks to Brandon Deepwell for capturing these special moments and our sincere thanks to everyone who helped celebrate this incredible day with us! Enjoy! -Tara xo