I may be small, but…

Good morning, lovelies! I hope you are all enjoying the sunshine and living in encouragement today. This my favourite song and my anthem- I want to share it with you all. It is dedicated to the warriors, the lovers, the revolutionaries- those who see injustice in the world and choose to take it down with…

Letter with Love :)

Some of you may have heard that yesterday I launched a letter writing campaign to send love and encouragement to Dalit children in India that have been racially oppressed by the traditional Indian caste system. I have been so encouraged by the overwhelming support from people in North America who have taken the time to…

Send Love

Remember the days when we were excited to get mail? You know, real mail….the letter kind, written to you from friends or family members, not from banks or credit card companies. Mail that arrived in an envelope with a stamp on it… letters that had travelled across the country or half way across the world…