The Pink Box

Full Disclosure, I am not a fan of pink. Even when I was a little girl, I always preferred purple over pink (as if those are the only choices for girls), it just wasn’t something that I could really get behind. However, when my good friend Katie Zeppieri, Founder and Creative Director of Girl Talk Empowerment…

Because she is a girl

Finding out that we are having a daughter has given me a huge flood of emotions these last few weeks. I’ve had every emotion in the book since finding out, and even some unexpected tears (“Raise ’em up”…Thanks, Keith Urban). Being a keynote at Leading Moms last friday was extra influential in bringing all these…

Those Autumn Leaves…

The world is such a beautiful place in Autumn. It is nature’s testimony that we must not fear age, but rather embrace growing old with the golden elegance of a forrest with leaves aglow! This season is teaching me about soaking in the moment, slowing down and setting aside the anticipation of “what’s next”, to…

Sexism Disrupted: 5 practical tips for promoting female excellence

Today I am pleased to launch a new section on my blog: Sisterhood Saturdays, dedicated to passing the mic, amplifying the voices of others and giving badass women a platform to share their stories and expertise. I believe in community over competition.  In a world where it’s all who you know, its high time that the…

Fallow Clothing: Made with Freedom in mind

It’s a beautiful thing with passion and purpose align. It’s an even more beautiful thing when companies of integrity find a way to incorporate ethics, sustainability and social justice into the very ethos of their business. This is the way of the future.  And I am incredibly proud when I can call the trailblazers, innovators…

It’s A….

Woohoo! Halfway there! We had our 20 week ultrasound last week and were so excited to get a chance to see baby #2 again and find out the gender! Baby kept dancing around and kicking the tech’s wand; It was pretty funny to see a glimpse into this little one’s personality already. After a little…

Eco-Beauty with Elate

Let’s face it; as women, most of us wear at least a little bit of makeup every day. For something that has become such a daily ritual in most of our lives, it only makes sense for us to seek out something that is not only good for us, but also good for the earth…