Our Story: Part Three…Down on One Knee!

Easter Monday, 2013…My first hunting trip! To be honest, I had no idea what I was doing but the day was gorgeous, the snow was melting on the mountains, spring bear was open and my boyfriend and best friends were by my side! Chris and I had been talking (everyday) about marriage. We knew we…

Our Story (Part 2)

There’s nothing like a first kiss. And before we knew it, our “New Year’s Kiss” became a I.don’t.want.to.stop.kissing.you….kiss. It was time to define the relationship. I was not looking for a boyfriend and Chris was certainly not looking for a girlfriend. But if there is anything that I’ve learned about this entire experience, it is…

Love & Light: Our Story (Part 1)

Every once in a while, when you least expect it, someone walks into your life and forever changes life as you know it. For some people it happens suddenly; altering everything in an instant, making you feel like time stood still and gravity could be defied. For others, it happens gradually, like that subtle yet strong…