Think Dirty

In honour of Natural Beauty Month, I am working hard to detox my life of harsh chemicals with high toxicity and carcinogenic properties. It’s actually my 2015 goal to live a cleaner, greener, more organic lifestyle. When I became pregnant last year I started questioning all the chemicals that we put into our bodies through…

The 4th Trimester

  Well that’s it. My newborn is growing up! We have officially completed the fourth trimester and I’ve never had three months move so quickly in all my life. Its been hard and wonderful all at the same time. I’ve learned, he’s grown and Chris still can’t believe we have a baby! Through all the…

The Voice

  My son is learning to speak right now. Not talking words yet but he has certainly discovered his voice. All day long I listen to him as he babbles away. We sit together in the mornings, eye to eye, and he tells me stories. I believe that he truly thinks he’s talking to me,…