Eco Fashion Week Edition 10: Day 1

There is so much I could write about the beauty that is Eco Fashion Week. Sometimes the magnitude of the beauty that I witness there is so stunning that words truly escape me. This year’s display of ethical, eco-conscious and sustainable fashion was no exception. Eco Fashion Week Founder and all around Girl Boss, Myriam…


Currently I am traveling across Vancouver Island, speaking to students on behalf of the Joy Smith Foundation and inspiring them to invest their time, money and resources on the things of this life that matter most. I want them to know that with God, the impossible is possible and when we choose to be braver…

Choosing your Birth Team: The role of a Doula

Two pink lines. Congratulations, you’re going to be a parent! The journey that you are about to embark on is simultaneously wonderful and exhausting, and you’re probably feeling excited, overwhelmed, nervous, emotional, elated and terrified all at the same time just thinking about it! Before you go researching what kind of stroller or diaper bag…

From bullets to beauty

Finally a day of sunshine! After two weeks worth of wind storms and rain over the Pacific Northwest, spring is finally in the air! With the new season clearly on its way and our trip to Israel just around the corner, I bought my first pair of Birkenstocks last week, does that mean I’m officially…

It takes a Village

The little nugget is sick again. This winter we can’t seem to catch a break. We’ve never been so prone to illness before. But then again, I guess we’ve never lived with a toddler before! Last night, as my child lay sprawled across my body…the only place he was willing to sleep, my thoughts rang…

‘lil nomad

What a storm! With wind gusts of 90km/hr tearing through the trees last night, we are bunkering down for a home day of booking reading, tea drinking and learning together. We recently received a box of goodies from one of our favourite fair-trade and artisan made shops,  American Nomad.  With the rain falling upon the…

International Women’s Day 2016

Today we mark International Women’s Day; we celebrate all the feats and accomplishments of women throughout the ages and we bring light to those still longing for freedom, justice, dignity and recognition. Today is the day that we stand together and honour the courage of the trailblazers who have gone before. We thank the ones…

SheTalks Sisterhood

Sisterhood, sisterhood, sisterhood! With International Women’s Day just around the corner, my weekend has been overflowing with inspiration, camaraderie and solidarity…and its not even over yet! It all started with SheTalks YVR, an internationally recognized event that aspires to harness the power of a women collective in all sectors using an open platform for women…

SaltWonder Experience

As a Mama, time out to relax and focus on self-care is a precious commodity. So when the invitation came to visit Saltwonder: Himalayan Salt Cave in North Vancouver, I counted it as a blessing and a special treat! I became captivated by natural healing and back-to-basics living when I was pregnant with our son…

Beauty Is.

My heart longs to know, what is beauty? Can it be defined by size, shape or style? Can it be held or captured, felt or embraced? Can we see it with our eyes or must we feel it with our hearts? I believe that beauty is more than an emotion or an idea. Beauty must…

Good Coffee can change the world

Full disclosure, I’m not a coffee drinker. But I am a social good enthusiast and living here in the Pacific Northwest I’ve spent countless hours in coffee shops and around coffee tables, discussing creative, out of the box ideas to improve our communities for the better. Good Coffee is one of those creative, world-changing ideas….

Brittany’s Birth Story

It’s always a privilege to serve and support women through their pregnancies, birth and postpartum. I truly believe in a safe and empowered birth experience for every mother. To that end, I believe sharing each woman’s unique birth journey can help us to see the strength that lives within all of us. I am so…