On my first Mother’s Day

Motherhood: there are no words to fully describe this life. I may never know all that my mother has done for me but now, I can fully understand it. The magnitude of this love is endless; it can change the world and impact the generations yet to come. To all those who have mothered me,…

2015 Valentine’s Day Girly Gift Guide

Happy February I love February, mostly because I love Valentine’s Day, mostly because its a super girly holiday, but truly, mostly because its a sappy reason to celebrate great love and all that goes with it! While it’s important to celebrate the sappy and romantic side of love, I also think its important to focus…

Great Expectations!

    Chris and I are so excited to announce that we are expecting our first child! It’s crazy to think how quickly everything changes. My body has taken on a whole new life (literally) and Chris has been quickly adapting to all the new demands of being a husband and a daddy-to-be! The craziest…

Vancity Pulse: 4 Angels Beauty Care

Ever wondered where the tradition of Henna came from? Or how to wrap a Sari for your glamourous night out? Check out my newest segment with my TV Show, Vancity Pulse for an intimate look at 4 Angels Beauty Care located in Vancouver, BC. -Tara, xo Vancity Pulse is a locally created show, produced by…


Today thousand of people are drawing red X’s on their hands to shine a light on slavery. While awareness is very important, it is ACTION that will change the world. Truly take a stand against slavery by TAKING ACTION to protect victims. #enditmovement #endslavery #endhumantrafficking Sign the petition: http://www.joysmith.ca/assets/petition%20swedish%20model%20of%20prositution%20-%20eng%20-%20final%20-%20large%20font.pdf Raise your voice: http://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/cons/curr-cours/proscons-conspros/ Write a…

Light, Love and Thanksgiving!

“I thank my God every time I think of you.” -Philippians 1:3 I couldn’t do this life without all of you! Life is better together. Thankful for the fellowship of great friends around the world! My Canadian heart is celebrating the cherish moments and relationships with “family” from Korea, Sri Lanka, Bolivia, Cambodia, NZ, Gibraltar,…

One Month Left…

Dear friends, family and everyone who has supported my journey along the way, It’s been 3 years and 3 pageant titles, 8 countries and countless awareness events, petitions signed, TV interviews, photo shoots and speaking engagements. I never imagined that this chapter would be part of the story of my life but now, I am…

Dances of the World (Honouring Canada’s First People)

Dances of the World 2012: 116 Nations under one roof. (My solo starts at 4:53) Another Highlight of 2012: I never thought that I would participate in Miss World and even though I thought I was done with pageants forever, God clearly had different plans. I’ve learned many things along the journey (which I will…

21st Century Girl

Some people just know how to recognize truth and speak truth…this girl is one of them. Listen to her words and listen closely. Her message is for all of us, both men and women, both young and old.

The Ugly Truth… and The Beautiful Mystery

I am really good at making mistakes. Serious. I am really good at saying ugly things, thinking ugly things and more often than I would like to admit, doing ugly things. I’ve been given the title of “Beauty Queen” but the ugly truth is that I am far from it. Yesterday I said something really ugly…


I have some of the most inspiring friends. Their bravery and initiative to do what is right is such a motivation and encouragement to me. Right now, I am currently reading my friend’s auto-biography. Timea E. Nagy is easily one of the bravest, toughest, kindest and most inspiring people I know. I am honoured to…

My #firstworldproblems

It’s been a few weeks since this was first published but the memories of my time at the “Floating Village” slum of Cambodia are still fresh in my mind. There isn’t a day that goes by that I do not think about that family and wonder where the oldest daughter is right now… Read the…