27 Week Bump Update

Well, just like that its the third trimester! Honestly, this pregnancy is absolutely flying by and I can’t believe we’ll be meeting our baby girl in approximately 12 more weeks. I’m definitely feeling this little one’s growth since I “popped” at the 6 month mark. Bending down and picking up the constant piles of Chayton’s…

Because she is a girl

Finding out that we are having a daughter has given me a huge flood of emotions these last few weeks. I’ve had every emotion in the book since finding out, and even some unexpected tears (“Raise ’em up”…Thanks, Keith Urban). Being a keynote at Leading Moms last friday was extra influential in bringing all these…

2015 Valentine’s Day Girly Gift Guide

Happy February I love February, mostly because I love Valentine’s Day, mostly because its a super girly holiday, but truly, mostly because its a sappy reason to celebrate great love and all that goes with it! While it’s important to celebrate the sappy and romantic side of love, I also think its important to focus…